2nd April 2024

Well, where do I begin? I can't remember when I first met Paul. My earliest memory is of him telling silly jokes and performing magic tricks for me as a tiny youngster (or "nipper" as he'd say), but he's practically always been in my life. Warm, friendly, and with a incredibly witty sense of humor - That's him. An kind and knowledgable man and an incredible grandfather figure with all kinds of stories to tell, from his adventures in New Zealand to his athletic exploits or the many ups and downs he experienced following his beloved Manchester City. When someone departs, many people often talk about the regrets they had, or the things they wish they did. But with Paul, I can't say I have any. I'm so thankful I got to spend and cherish so many moments with him, whether it be riding our bicycles along the coast, attending football matches, sightseeing in London, rounds of golf, or simply laughing at stupid jokes over a coffee at home. So many happy memories and great times that I'll never forget, and I'm genuinely grateful for every single one of them. Paul always encouraged me to chase my dreams and embark on adventures of my own. It is indeed because of one of these adventures that I sadly won't be able to attend his funeral. So let this be my message: Paul, thank you so much for everything. You've been an absolutely amazing grandfather and I'm so grateful to have had you in my life. I hope I've made you proud, and that wherever you may be now, you can look down and smile at the person you helped me to become. Until next time, take it easy up there and I'll be sure to raise a glass to you. To an incredible man, and an incredible life.